Recurring Payment Agreement

1. Definitions

  • 1.1.Recurring Payments - this is an automatic debiting of funds from a bank card or other customer's method on a regular basis to pay for services provided by the Provider.
  • 1.2.Customer - an individual or legal entity that has entered into a service agreement with the Provider and has given consent to automatic debiting of funds.

2. Consent to Recurring Payments

  • 2.1.By placing an order for services with recurring payment, the customer confirms their consent to the automatic debiting of funds from the linked bank card or other payment method through the Stripe system.
  • 2.2.The Customer grants the Provider the right to regularly debit funds for the services provided in accordance with the selected tariff until the subscription to the services is canceled.
  • 2.3.The Provider undertakes to notify the customer in advance of the next debiting of funds.

3. Payment Terms

  • 3.1.Recurring payments are made in accordance with the tariff and payment period selected by the customer when placing the order.
  • 3.2.The Provider has the right to change the tariffs for services, having notified the customer at least 30 (thirty) calendar days before the date of the next debit.
  • 3.3.In case of insufficient funds on the customer's bank card, the payment can be automatically repeated within 7 (seven) days. If the funds are not debited, the service may be suspended.

4. Cancellation of Recurring Payments

  • 4.1.The Customer has the right to cancel recurring payments at any time through a request in their personal account on the Provider's website.
  • 4.2.The cancellation of recurring payments takes effect from the next billing period. The customer will be obliged to pay the already issued invoice in full.

5. Responsibility of the Parties

  • 5.1.The Provider is not responsible for errors in debiting funds caused by incorrect customer's bank card data or insufficient funds in the account.
  • 5.2.The Customer is obliged to timely update the information about their bank card in case of changes in its details.

6. Other Terms

  • 6.1.This Agreement may be changed by the Provider unilaterally with prior notification to the customer.
  • 6.2.All disputable issues arising in connection with the execution of this Agreement are resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to reach an agreement, the dispute is subject to consideration in accordance with applicable law.
  • 6.3.The use of the recurring payment service means the customer's full agreement with the terms of this Agreement.

Revision dated September 10, 2024